Monday, January 25, 2010

Character Drawing

Sometimes I just sit down and draw characters. They don't necessarily have a story to go with them. Last night I just got the image for this character stuck in my head, I don't she is, where she is going, or what her story will be but at least I put the thought to paper in the only way I could. I would like to note that this drawing was not done unaided because I am still practicing drawing people. I used this article from to help me: How-To-Draw-A-Woman-In-A-Pantsuit. Usually drawing a character helps me establish who he or she is. A simple drawing changes my character from a nondescript entity to a character that I can describe, but in this case I don't know who she is yet. I do tend to write my stories in the fantasy/scifi genre because that has always been my favorite to read so she is probably heading off on some adventure. Well, maybe I will think of something for her to do, maybe I won't. Sometimes a story will evolve from my character and sometimes they just stay on the page, but here she is and I'll see what happens.

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