Sunday, January 24, 2010


Well, I have sat staring at this blank screen a number of times trying to figure out what to say. How does one begin a blog? I use to spend a great deal of time writing but in the past few years I have failed to make time. I was in college studying to be a chemical engineer and in the process I stopped finding the time to write. I use to keep a little notebook with me, I had titled it Lost Thoughts and I would jot down whatever came to mind. Sometimes those little ideas would grow into stories or poems and sometimes they would just sit there, a random thought that I had with little meaning once the moment had past. I don't know what this blog with become. As an unemployed recent chemical engineering graduate I don't know what I have to offer, just my perspective. I suppose this can be another place for those random thoughts of mine to find a place to be put into writing and explored and I will see what comes of it.

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